Unify Partnership is a leading provider of the globally renowned Insights Discovery model of behaviour and personal profiles. We specialise in transforming teams and leaders by improving self-awareness, emotional intelligence and teamworking skills.
We are thrilled to offer a limited number of managers and leaders an exclusive opportunity to experience the immediate impact and lasting effect of our methodology.
Join our complimentary programme, tailored to boost your leadership skills and drive team performance with tangible results.
Read Time: 3 minutes
03 July 2024
Team Development
Leadership and Management Development
Insights Discovery
We will change the way your teams work together forever!
Job site Indeed reported an ROI of 2036% through the use of Insights Discovery and the colour model across the business (ROI Institute 2023)
Would your teams benefit from...
improved self-awareness and more effective communication?
increased trust, openness and accountability?
a data-driven approach that transforms performance with lasting results?
practical suggestions and a framework to achieve goals and objectives?
Then this programme is for you..
register your interest here

What the programme includes..
Stage one.
A seat at a 60-minute virtual masterclass
With a focus on emotional intelligence and the impact our behaviour has on others, we will bring to life the main psychological types of personality, demonstrating how misunderstanding and conflict can reign over clarity and productivity in a team environment.
Through the easy-to-understand and immediately impactful language of Insights Discovery and the colour energies, this masterclass will provide tools to understand why some colleagues might not see eye-to-eye, and how to get them communicating, collaborating and playing to strengths more effectively.
Stage two.
A Team Effectiveness Assessment
This 15-minute, 48-question Team Assessment survey celebrates success, unearths hidden issues, and differences of opinion, and measures a baseline of performance that can be built upon.
This snapshot of your perspective provides a framework for future team development, highlighting the specific areas that your team can focus on to achieve tangible improvements in their performance. Your team can be added at a later date.
Stage three.
Your own Insights Discovery personal profile and one-to-one feedback session
The Insights Discovery personality profile is a world-class self-awareness tool that gets teams working better together and leaders leading more effectively immediately.
During this virtual one-to-one feedback session, you will speak with a qualified practitioner who will talk you through your 23-page personal profile and how the behaviours relate to team dynamics. This session is all about you, your leadership style and understanding your team assessment results.
Over nine million people have experienced the power of the Insights Discovery personal profiles so far, from the world's leading organisations.
Attending this programme will benefit you on three levels:
Personal – having been introduced to and talked through your Discovery personal profile you will walk away with a new understanding of behaviour, and the different needs of the main psychological types.
Interpersonal - back in the workplace you will quickly and easily be able to identify the main psychological types through the easy-to-use, immediately impactful and memorable language Insights Discovery creates. This naturally leads to a greater awareness of how to communicate, manage and lead others more effectively.
Team - looking at your team’s performance through the Unify Team Assessment will drive a focus towards what is important and how you can improve in critical areas, allowing you to apply strategies back in the workplace to build your team’s effectiveness.
Putting pounds and pence behind your investment.
Indeed, the world's number 1 jobsite has been utilising Insights Discovery since 2004. Between October 2021 and September 2022 the Return on Investment Institute completed a study with 1,304 people who attended a programme using the Insights Discovery model.
The results are compelling and the question really becomes can you afford NOT to make this part of your employee experience?
Find out more
Our areas of specialism.
Personal Development
Decision making
Growth mindset
Team development.
Hybrid team working
Leadership development.
Leadership styles
Psychological safety
Leading change
Mission, vision, values
Get in touch.
Complete the form below and we'll be in touch within one business day or call us on 03456 185796