Twelve guiding principles designed to avoid extremes of data ensure a balanced evaluation are processed through planning, data collection, analysis and result optimisation.
Recency is an essential part of effective analysis in this type of study. For this reason, the study period spanned 11 months from October 2021 and data collection was completed late in 2022. A total of 1034 participants were in the sample and results are based on a 39% response rate. Most of the information was collected via a detailed questionnaire, spanning six types of data sets.
- Reaction Results
If participants do not see value in a programme or concept it is unlikely to be used. Respondents indicated that Insights Discovery is important to their professional development and a good use of their time.
- Learning Results
Respondents reported that they learned about their own personal opportunity areas for improvement, their personal preference and recognising the preferences of their colleagues through their personal profiles. This process was supported by enablement from management level, role modelling use of colour energies and encouraging daily application to other team members.
- Application Results
The tracking of behaviour changes and how the team members are implementing the Insights Discovery learning characterises this section. Executives who fund initiatives such as this want to see the consequences of the behavioural change, not just noting that change has occurred. Respondents reported that along with adapting their behaviour to work with others more effectively, they also consider how their actions impact others.
- Impact Results
Respondents indicated that agility, innovation and career progression improved the most because of the Insights Discovery programme.
- ROI Results
Converting data to money is an important step and necessary for the ROI calculation. For the time to proficiency, team members were asked to indicate how long this took. Additionally, each month that a person is promoted more quickly, value is added to the company. Along with additional conservative estimates based on team responses, this study demonstrates a very high rate of return, working out at 2063% (for every dollar invested, that dollar is returned – along with an additional $20.63)
If a measure is not converted to money, it becomes intangible. Respondents reported that emotional intelligence, communication, collaboration and teamwork were all positively influenced by participation in the Insights Discovery programme.
This study provides strong supporting evidence of the powerful impact and success of the Insights Discovery learning journey and its embedding into the Indeed culture as supported and modelled by Indeed management.